It takes community partnerships to support and enrich the lives of our children and last week here at WES was a perfect example of how partnerships begin. There are so many amazing organizations in our community and we are fortunate to have begun a new partnership with our friends from Sustainable Woodstock. With what began as a small discussion back in March with Anne Macksoud, is now a reality, planted in the form of 5 thorn less raspberry canes in our front gardens. Our 2nd and 3rd graders gathered outside to help David Doolittle plant donated raspberries canes (from his garden) in one of our new raised bed gardens. The students were very curious about these "magical plants" as David called them, and when they would be able to pick the raspberries. David talked about the canes, showed the students how to plant them, and how we would need to care for them. We were also joined by Sustainable Woodstock board members, Anne Macksoud and Joby Thompson. Thank you to Anne, David and Joby for making this yet another enriching experience in the lives of our children. We look forward to our new partnership together and the endless ways we can help each other!
WES students help David Doolittle plant raspberry canes, symbolizing the beginning of our new partnership!
Students gather for the raspberry planting!