A note from Ms. Czaja (Healthy Foods Educator and Provider)
Farm to School connects schools (K-12) and local farms with the objectives of serving healthy meals in school cafeterias, improving student nutrition, providing agriculture, health and nutrition education opportunities, and supporting local and regional farmers. (taken from: www.farmtoschool.org)
Yes, it has been a while, however the WES Farm to School (FTS) program is alive and well! Life cycles are everywhere and as our FTS program continues to cycle, it is morphing into something bigger and better! Through the years, we have dabbled in the different parts of FTS, however this is the year we begin to pull the three FTS C's (community, classroom and cafeteria) together for the first time. With the support of our school community, we will be able to really connect our children to their food and allow them to practice sustainable actions, EVERYDAY!
As the Healthy Foods Educator and Provider, I look forward to supporting our FTS program in ways which we have not yet explored. Providing healthy food experiences for our children on a daily basis will be one of my biggest goals, however creating learning opportunties in the gardens and cooking experiences will also be a priority!
Please subscribe to this blog! I will be updating it with our FTS progress as well as any cafeteria updates! Thank you for your support!