We recently purchased a milk dispenser for our lunch and snack milk program. Last year students conducted research to find out how many cartons were being thrown away. On an average over 100 cartons were thrown in the trash a day and over a school year approx. 19,000 ended up in the landfill. The milk that was being purchased in these milk cartons (Hood) was also Massachusetts milk, not Vermont milk. Why are we buying milk from a another state? To make this change, WES applied for a food service grant and raised Farm to School funds to be able to purchase the dispenser and enough cups to use during lunch service and snack. The cups are 8 oz. BPA-free plastic and come in all different wonderful colors.
The students have been super excited about the change. Eli Grossman, a 6th grader says " It tastes less processed than the milk in the cartons." Another 6th grader, Brittney Poljacik says "It is colder, tastes fresher, and it is a double thumbs up. Now I buy milk everyday."
There is also a cost savings involved with buying milk in 5 gallon bags, it is cheaper than purchasing the cartons. The biggest benefit of all is that we are supporting Thomas Dairy, a local dairy in Rutland, VT because the bulk milk comes straight from the dairy!
If you have any questions or are interested in hearing about our milk dispenser, please contact Healthy Foods Educator and Provider,Gretchen Czaja gzaja@wcsu.net